new patch, and more about how I feel about the demo

Well, I'm here again.

Today I tried to fix problems related to low framerate, apprently when the player isn't present, the game speed is completely normal, so I started to polish the player object, hopefully now the game doesn't run at 15 fps.

And as for me, I've been feeling a bit better, I tried to not think about the game for a few days, if I have to focus on something I prefer focusing on myself and the new RH build, as I already said, unless the problem is very big, I'm not going to touch that slow, broken build. I know it sounds a bit mean, but for real, I'm very tired and stressed of working with that project, and I want to restart.

I hope noone will experience lag, if so, I really don't know what to say, I would say I'll try to fix the problem again and to just wait, but the reality is I don't know what to do anymore.

I don't know... I'm still a bit stressed, school taking a lot of my time, having to deal with an 11 year old PC... Maybe in a few days I won't be stressed again, usually I'm always like that

Have fun


Also, apparently I can't copy the old files anymore, everything just gets corrupted, so I'll have to remake the sprites, too. Great....

Files 61 MB
Sep 12, 2020

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good luck

also i know the struggle of having to use a super old computer, feelsbadman, hopefully you can upgrade soon